About Us
The H2One for One promise
We believe in a spirit of cooperation, to protect and care for ourselves and each other, so everyone comes out stronger.
Each purchase of online premium H2One Hand Sanitizer brings another to someone in need, widening the circle of safety, health and wellness.
H2One CEO and co-founder, Alfred Zaccagnino, says the product was born out of necessity: As we all went through this pandemic, I had an early realization that there was going to be an urgent need for safe and quality hand sanitizes; there just wouldn't be enough to go around. I wanted to form a team highly capable of creating the best product while also giving back to those most in need."
Zaccagnino gets his drive from growing up on welfare. "One of my earliest childhood memories was when I walking with my Mom through Coney Island, Brooklyn to receive our free 5-pound block of government cheese at the local Church. This would happen once every 6 months. Although I was only 7 year old, I recognized a couple of people following us to and from the Church. During this walk home, we got jumped for our 5-pound block of government cheese. This was an experience forever embedded in my mind. I told myself then, told myself at 9-11-2001 when an air traffic controller, and will tell myself today as an investor, "Never Forget".
The company has launched its giving back program by donating to New York'sKips Bay Boys & Girls Club, San Francisco Marin Food Bank, and to almost 400public schools in the NY Tri-State area. Future donations are planned forhealthcare workers and first responders. Alfred has been donating to Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club and Hanks Yanks for over a decade with his other business ventures.
Zaccagnino says for hand sanitizers to become a part of everyday life, they must be appealing to users, as well as staying in compliance with important FDA, WHO and CDC guidelines. H2One has skin-friendly ingredients such as Aloe and Vitamin E as well as being available in: an awakening citrus or calming lavender scent. It contains 75% Ethyl Alcohol, surpassing CDC recommendations.
The company, which has recently been featured in Vogue, and GQ, has also created an animated video — aimed at children — to teach them the importance of clean hands as well as how to safely apply hand sanitizes. In the video, the H2One bottle becomes the teacher.
"As a father of two children, | want to ensure that all of our kids are safe in the classroom, and that they realize the importance of clean hands. Sanitizing their hands should ultimately become second nature, like tying their shoelaces,” says Zaccagnino — who is President and Founder of Samarian Group of Companies.,which is lead investor in H2One.
To learn more about our giving story visit our giveback page.